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Plymstock Camera Club Data Protection Policy (Draft)



Plymstock Camera Club (“PCC”) is established with the objects set out in its constitution and is a data controller within the UK.


PCC complies with the Data Protection Act 2018, which incorporates the European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).




1. Requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018


The Data Protection Act 2018, which incorporates the European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), replaces the current legislation (the Data Protection Act 1998). The current data protection principles, as first introduced by the Data Protection Act 1984, are continued effectively unchanged. These set out a legal obligation concerning the processing of personal data; the Club Processes Personal Data relating to members in the course of running the club so has obligations under this Act.



2. Definitions


Personal data means data by which you can be identified. Processing means: collecting; recording; storing; presenting; altering; and destroying.



3. The Data Controller


The Honorary Secretary is the Data Controller for the Club however the whole of the Committee is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Controller will answer queries about data protection and respond to requests from individuals to access their personal data. In the event of the Data Controller not being available to answer queries or requests within the prescribed 30 days, the responsibility will fall to the Chair or any other committee member who has agreed to volunteer. The data controller for inter-club competitions and similar events will ensure they have consent from individual photographers whose work is entered via a third party.



4. The Data


The Club collects the following data: name, address, telephone number(s), e-mail addresses and other such information as may be necessary for the effective management of PCC. PCC collects and holds personal information about those offering their services to PCC (e.g. Competition judges, lecturers, suppliers); This information is used to facilitate administration in order to satisfy a requested service or a contractual requirement and may be retained to confirm the outcome. Members may opt-out of receiving e-mail notifications by contacting the Club Secretary.



5. Collecting


Data is collected primarily via the membership form. From time to time other information is collected to help plan and manage the Club (e.g. a survey/questionnaire, practical sessions, summer events). PCC collects personal information about prospective members and holds the personal information for up to one year, while they decide whether to join. PCC may hold personal information for anyone contacting the PCC or whom PCC contacts for the purpose of conducting its general business. This information is used to satisfy a requested service or a contractual requirement. The Club only asks for the data it needs to administer and promote the Club in line with the Constitution.


6. Recording and Storing


Personal data kept by the club is recorded and stored: a) In the paper form on which it was obtained e.g. membership application form, and will be stored by an appropriate committee member b) electronically and will be password protected The club will retain information and data (in paper and/or electronic format) that forms a record and history of the club and its activities. This may include but not be limited to, meeting records, competition results, emails, permission requests, financial records etc. It could also include data published on web sites, social media and other publicity. Committee members will have access to all data. Each member has right of access to their own data.



7. Processing


The Club will ensure that Personal Data is processed in accordance with the principles of data protection, as described in the Data Protection Act 2018


8. Presenting


Authors will be attributed to photographs when they are presented.


9. Altering


Data will only be altered on the request of the individual and agreement of the Data Controller


10. Destroying


The club will destroy personal data held on paper and computer records three years after membership has ended or earlier if it is no longer relevant or required. PCC may retain historical data and management archives until PCC decide to delete the data.



11. Security


Paper-based Personal Data will be filed securely by a committee member. Electronic Data may be kept on the club’s laptop or committee members' personal computer(s). Access to data will be password protected. All emails sent to the membership will be BCC'd


12. Sharing


Personal Data will only be used by committee members who need it to perform their designated function within the club. It may also be shared and used by ordinary members when performing specific functions for the club Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties except where required or authorised by law or with the prior agreement of the member. The Club will ensure that only consented personal data is placed on the club web site. The Club will not make membership contact information available for electronic marketing.



13. Compliance


The committee will review this policy on an annual basis.

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