The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that we have the Gerry Cup to attend at Plymouth camera club on the Thursday night. Therefore we aren't meeting on Tuesday 5th March but instead will head over to Plymouth Camera Club at Wolseley Community Resource Building, Wolseley Close, Plymouth, PL2 3BY. Starts at 7:30pm on the 7th March.
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Plymstock Camera Club
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See AllGreat start back at the club last week and a big THANK YOU to our guest speaker Max Law for providing such an entertaining evening. On...
Results from our first PDI competition. Well done to everyone that entered. Tools and instruments 1st Pipe Sequence Alan Rees 2nd...
8 October - PDI 1 Contest - 2 sections, set subject Instruments, Tools or Mechanical Detail and Own Choice. Voted for on the evening...
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